Monday, June 30, 2008

Mac's 10th Birthday

Our little Mac is now TEN!!!! It is so hard to believe it's been ten years since he came into the world! Mac and Daddy share a moment.Birthday Sleepover Wiffleball game!!! Maco batting.BrentMatthew batting and Andrew waiting.AndrewMaxMarco sliding and Brent at first!MatthewAndrew

Mac watching Matthew at second base.

Our babysitter, Colleen, and Mac.
Mac thinks it's Crab baseball!

I think Mac wore himself out!

Lucas created a Sam sandwich with 2 cushions!!!!Brent, Marco, and Mac - school buddies!HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAC!!!!

Family present time...

Best Brothers!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

I caught it!!!!

During memorial Tournament week, the Roma's invited us over with the Hoffman's. They have a pond in their backyard and lots of fishing poles! The boys loved fishing for the first time!!! (I don't fish!) They each caught quite a few and each one of them caught a very large one! (I wonder if the same fish each time, because we always threw them back in?)Mrs. Roma helping Mac get his fish off the hook. Mac proudly displaying his fish!
Brandon and Lucas fishing together.

Mac casting.

What a sweet picture!

Lucas' Last Day of Kindergarten

Because Lucas attends a mutiage school and is in a k/1 classroom , they do not go through a graduation ceremony like most other kindergarten classes. He will have the same teacher next year, Mrs. McClelland (an amazing teacher and person!), and will have1/2 the same class next year as first graders and half of the class will be new incoming kindergartners!
So here are a few pictures of his last day of school this year, May 30, 2008.

Lucas and Paul, one of his closest friends.Ethan and Lucas- another good friend.Lucas and Jack and Ethan.

Lucas and Mrs. McClelland

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Indian Lake Memorial Day 2008

Lucas , our little adventure boy, went out on the boat and tubed with Brandon and Haley and with Andrew! ( Mac was "taking a break" back at the house.)

Then Lu went kayaking with Andrew!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grammy's Birthday 2008

Grammy's Birthday Dinner 2008
In Toledo at Bravos
Tim and Greg were also there, but not in any pics.

Mary Lou, Beth, Brady, Mac, Tammy, LucasBrady eating a lemon!!
Lu, Brady, and Mac
Lu entertained Brady the enitire meal!
Beth and Mom ( as always with her eyes closed! It's a trademark!)
Beth and BradyCousins: Mac, Andie, Lucas, TJ, and BradyAndie, Jill, TJ

Father's Day 2008

Lucas, Daddy, and Mac sit on the fronch porch opening his Father's Day gift...
an iPod Shuffle for when he runs. What a surprise! We LOVE our DAD!!

Lucas and Mac give Papa Paul is father's day present.