Monday, November 3, 2008

First Grade Science Fair

Lucas's First Grade Science Fair
Lu's school had a first grade science fair last Friday. It was amazing! It was just like a middle school science fair. Each pair of students had a board with their research question on it. They had their experiment out in front of them, along with their research journal. The students were well versed when asked questions about their research!
Lucas's research question was
"Will a washcloth dry faster in the sun or the shade?"

Big brother, Mac, had the day off, so he came to check out the science fair.

Reading from his Science Journal.

Mom listening to Lu sharing his research.
Other classmates projects...

Lu reading some of his notes to some science fair observers.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween 2008
Carving Pumpkins:
Check out Mac's facial expressions...

Lu is so serious.The finished projects!

Face Painting -while we were at Krogers shopping!

Beggar's Night
Indiana Jones and JASON
Lu and Mac
All in the family...

Dracula (Brendan) and Jason (Mac)- together again!

The Neighborhood gang right before the Trick or Treating began!
Lexi and Lucas

Emily Kovalchin, Carmen Lamberjack, Lucas
Two Indiana Jones???
Lucas and his good friend, SethMiller, both chose to be Indiana Jones for Halloween, but neither knew the other had chosen that! It was a fun surprise!
Could they be any cuter together?The cutest little witch on earth!The world's ugliest angel???? Mac's treat graph!

Lu and Seth

Seth is a friends of Lucas's who is on his soccer team. Seth's parents are good friends of ours and Seth's brother Noah and Mac play football for St. Brigid togther. They were dressed exactly alike today and being very silly.

My Terminators

Guess what movie the boys watched with Greg last night?

Fall Portraits

It has been so beautiful out and the trees are in full color, so I thought it would be a great time to take a break and get some fall portraits. After school, we went over to our neighborhood entrance to enjoy the picturesque backdrop.

And we had some fun too...