Friday, September 18, 2009


This is the view from Greg's seat. Two of Greg's closest friends from college came in for the game and their annual visit!!

Greg and Red

Greg, Red, and Gary
An early lunch before tailgating begins!!
Greg and Gary Lu and Red

And while Greg, Gary, and Red were down on campus tailgating and attending the game, Mac, Lu, and I went to the Miller's for a big bash!!...
Lucas with two friends, Seth and Henry.

Seth and Mac

Mac and Lu not sure what that face is all about)
Watching the game

Me and my friend, Joanie
My friend, Jennifer, and me
Lu cuddles up with mom as the night gets late.

Lucas is on FIRE this fall!

Lu's soccer team this year is the FIRE!!
Today was their first game and Lu was the first goalie!! This is new for these guys... up until now they played 4 on 4 on a smaller field with no goalie. There is definitely going to be some adjustment for Lu... that's a long field and a lot of running!!!
The team huddles before the game begins.
Lu did a great job as goalie and I think he really liked it too!
Wonder what exactly he thinking right now???

And this is what 7 year olds do when they are not in the in the game!

Gone Fishin'

Cub Scout Fishing Derby
Lucas wanted to join cub scouts this year at St. Brigid. Tonight was the first pack meeting and it included the Fishing Derby at the Dublin Rec Center. The problem was no one told us about it until about 5 hours before. You probably know that we are not fishermen. So we had no poles or anything. But our wonderful friend, Joanie, had plenty and let us borrow 2 and even gave us bait! (The boys have fished before in the pond behind Joanie's house.) So now we were set. Greg helped Lu get the worms on the hook and he was fishing!! I think he really had a good time accept for the fact that he caught not one fish! This really frustrated him. Nonetheless, it was a beautiful evening and lots of boys to play with! So all was good!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Trip to Eygpt?

Mac's class took a field trip to COSI to catch the final days of the Egpyt exhibit. I was lucky enough to chaperone the trip.The exhibit was great, but the best part was the movie on the giant screen about mummies!! SO cool!!
My group: Mac, Brent, Cam, and Nick
This could have been a great picture if Mac would have smiled and Brent had his eyes open.
Mac got to ride a camel!!!!Cool xrays and MRI's,
The camel and the sixth grade class. Can you find the camel?
In line for the "make you spin until you throw up ride". See Mrs. Schnegg up there?

Leaving the ride... doesn't Patrick look a little green???

Sixth grade teachers Miss Henry and Mrs. Kessler