Thursday, December 17, 2009

Concerts and Plays

It's my favorite time of year!!! Christmas concerts and plays!!! Last night Mac's Choir performed "Lessons and Carols" - it was beautiful! Lessons and Carols was started in 1918 at King's College Chapel in Cambridge, England. It was like a prayer service interspersed with Christmas carols. It was so different than traditional Christmas concerts. We loved it!
Today Lu and the 2nd gr. performed the Nativity play. Lu was the narrator. The funny thing is Mac was the narrator when he was in the 2nd gr. Nativity play!!
Lessons and Carols

Best friend, Brent and Mac.
The Second Grade Nativity Play

Lu narrating...

Caesar Augustus
Mary and Joesph
The choir

The natiity scene...
Taking bows...
The whole cast...
Lu and is best buddies, Owen and Ian...

Leadership Dublin: The Next Generation

Mac just finished participating in a 10 week program called Leadership Dublin: the Next Generation. This is a program The mission of Leadership Dublin's youth program is to prepapre the next generation of leaders for effective community involvement and to empower them with good decision making skills and leadership potential.
The 6th and 7th graders participated in leadership classes that included: team- building, making positive choices, communication, self defense, peer mediation, an environmental project, peer mediation, among others, and several community service projects.
It was such an amazing experience for Mac to have. He didn;t enjoy the "idea"of going every Sunday (probably because it reminded him of the whole school "thing" but once he was there he had a great time. There were 25 6th and 7th graders in the program and 8 of them were from St. Brigid!
These are photos from the graduation ceremony December 6th.
The 2009 class of Leadership Dublin: the Next Generation Youth Program
Mac receiving his certificate.

The St. Brigid brigade...

Mac with Mom and Dad