St. Brigid Volunteer Dinner Dance
Love Boat Theme
This is one of my most favorite events of the year! We always have so much fun and St. Brigid really knows how to do it right! This year with the Love Boat theme, there were old Love Boat episodes running on the big screen all night, a casino, a karaoke room, a spa with 2 massage therapists, and a truly delicious meal this year!! YUM!
Greg went through many costume ideas this year. He was determined to be Issac the bartender for the Love Boat. But his costume fell through. So he decided to be a tourist- Hawaiian shirt, brown plaid shorts, black socks pulled up to the knees, sandals, oversize sunglasses, binoculars around the neck... But the coup de grace was the lifevest with Titanic stamped on it! He was the star of the night! That's my guy!!! He knows how to have fun!He even won the secret costume contest- $25 gift card to the Rusty Bucket!
Had to get a photo of Monseignor with his harem!! :<) Our friend Joanie is actually on eof the "spa ladies" on the right. She looked so cute! What a great costume!