Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Buckeye Kid Captain of the Game

February 2, 2011

Lucas was chosen to be the Kid Captain of the game at the Buckeyes vs Wolverines basketball game! He was introduced to just prior to the beginning of the game with Brutus Buckeye! He got 2 seats for the game too! Greg has his season ticket, so Mac and Lu sat together and we just bought me a ticket and I sat 2 rows directly behind Greg. It worked out perfectly! It was really so cool!!!

Lu and Mac's seats.

Greg's season ticket is this close to the court!

Former NBA and OSU basketball player and Toledo resident Jimmy Jackson...

President Gordon Gee...



Interesting turn of events...

Really bad ice storm hits Dublin.

Trees go down take out power. Schools are closed.

Greg heads out to go to the post office and noticed a good friends car in a driveway of someone he doesn't know.

Greg stops to say hello.

Our friend was helping her friend pack up and get to a hotel because a tree fell across their driveway, took out their power and blocked in their car.

While there Greg finds out they have 3 bearded dragons that cannot go to the hotel but also cannot stay in the freezing house (because they will die.)

So ...

we end up with three bearded dragon house guests in a 60 gallon tank for a week!! My boys were in heaven!!

Lu holding the smallest one...

Mac holding the largest one...

Cub Scouts try Ju Jitsu


Lu's cub scout den went to a ju jitsu center to learn this interesting martial art! EVery one of them was worn out afterward! What a great exercise!

My Photographs


I took these pictures last summer of flowers I planted around my house. I loved them so much I finally framed them and put them in my kitchen! What do you think? I LOVE them!