Monday, September 22, 2008

Daddy's 42nd Birthday

Greg's birthday was a very busy work day for him. He was preparing for his first visit to Children's Hospital. We didn't get to see him much, but we surprised him with his favorite chocolate pie from Der Dutchman and some presents, in between trips over to the hospital!
Daddy watching as Lucas belts out Happy Birthday to you...

Hurricane Ike 9.14.08

We survived the Ohio Hurricane Ike with no damage to our house or property. And amazingly enough we never lost power like the thousands and thousands of other Columbusites!
Mac actually had a football game in the middle of the storm. It's amazing the power the wind can have. It was actually difficult to stand up by the time we got home.
Here are a few shots of Mac in our yard when the wind was near its peak... What a ham!

After effects of attending weekly Buckeyes Tailgate Parties

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?

Introducing the 2008 JV (5th & 6th) St. Brigid Wolfounds...

Mac's team has had 2 games so far. They won the first and lost the second. We are really enjoying the games and spending so much time with all of the St. Brigid families.

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Soccer season!!!

9.6.2008 Lucas's soccer team this year is the Celtics! They played great- even though they were suprised at how big the field is this year! Lu scored two goals himself! It was a beautiful fall like morning to watch a soccer game!

It looks like he's praying but I think he's celebrating his goal!!!What a smile!
( But what exaclty is the kid on the far right doing?)

Brutus on Parade

9-6-2008 This weekend down on campus at the OSU vs. OU game Ohio State unveiled it's Brutus's on parade. What a creative idea! Someone came upwith the idea to have different artists and sponsors take a full Brutus statue and create a themed Brutus. There were approximately 27 of them on display around the outside of the Shott.
Here are a few of our favorites...DrumMajor BrutusCoach Tressel BrutusGordon Gee BrutusArchie Griffin Brutus
And just for fun...Hippie BrutusBig Butter Brutus!!!
This one really made me laugh!!

"Statue of Brutus"
Elvis Brutus

And of course, the boys' most favorite...

Indiana Jones Brutus!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Little Helper

Today I bought a shelving unit to help provide more storage and organization for Lu's room. I was excited, but didn't think Lu would be as excited as he was. He wanted to help put it together, so he and Daddy, as his assistant, did all the work. He looked so cute concentrating on his drilling!

And ... the final product... TAA DAA!!!

Labor Day Holiday Weekend 2008

Labor Day weekend was a wonderful break for all of us! We had lots to do and enjoyed it thoroughly! Unfortunately I have no pictures!! Why?? I'm not really sure. Friday night we had a Central Catholic tailgate party in our backyard!! Central is , of course, Greg's alma mater. They were in town to play Dublin Scioto. The Fighting Irish vs. the Fighting Irish!!! (And the Central Catholic Fighting Irish won!!) We had about 25 guests, including President Father and Principal .
Saturday we went to the Greek Festival where we enjoyed watching Loucenda, my friend and neighbor, dance with the Greek traditional dancers! We also enjoyed the food - especially me!! And the people watching!!
Sunday, after church, we traveled to Indian Lake,where our friends the Hoffman's have a lake house with a perfect location!! We added to the 20 some family friends already there! We boated, swam,played cornhole, and the new (to us) game of "Washers"- which is just like cornhole except the board is about a quarter of the size and the boards only about 6 feet away from each other. You throw large round metal washers at the hole. Huh. Strange.But I'm sure a lot of people thought that of cornhole too!! The boys went tubing for hours. They played badminton in the lake. They bounced on a gigantic water trampoline and kayaked too! At the end of the evening everyone living on the lake lit flares around their property at exacly 9pm. They call this the ring of fire and it is done every Labor Day weekend. It was really something. We ended the day with smores on the bonfire. And I drove us home- exhausted!
Monday we rested for awhile and then went to a friend's house to swim for several hours! Everyone slept well!!