Monday, September 8, 2008

Brutus on Parade

9-6-2008 This weekend down on campus at the OSU vs. OU game Ohio State unveiled it's Brutus's on parade. What a creative idea! Someone came upwith the idea to have different artists and sponsors take a full Brutus statue and create a themed Brutus. There were approximately 27 of them on display around the outside of the Shott.
Here are a few of our favorites...DrumMajor BrutusCoach Tressel BrutusGordon Gee BrutusArchie Griffin Brutus
And just for fun...Hippie BrutusBig Butter Brutus!!!
This one really made me laugh!!

"Statue of Brutus"
Elvis Brutus

And of course, the boys' most favorite...

Indiana Jones Brutus!!!!

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