Saturday, April 11, 2009

Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt 2009


Our 4th Annual Neighbor's Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt happened last night. What fun!! This is a blast and the kids absolutely LOVE it!! We (the parents) go out about 20 minutes before dark and hide the eggs all over the island, rocks, playground. Then we bring the kids out right before it is dark. We line them up by age. And we allow the 3 and under crowd to go first, directing them to the mulched area. About 10 minutes later we let the 4-5 year olds go. About 4 minutes later the 6-7 year olds, them the 8 and up! This year we went upto 11 year olds!The old pros: Sam, Matthew, and Mac

Lining up!

The excitement builds....

and builds...
Mario and Lindsey
Richard, Zander, and AJ

Mac with his flashlight- "hunting".


Some of the adults chatting... Greg, Amy and Steve, Darren and Kim.

And Lu shakes an egg to see what it hides inside.

Sharing the loot altogether...
Lauren, Mallory, Sam

Aaron, Josh, and Micah

Lucas and Mac

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