Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tough Guys: Past and Future

Halloween 2009

Beggar's Night is never held on Halloween in Columbus. Someone, who knows who, decided it was not safe for children to be out on Halloween or the weekend. So Beggar's night has always been the Thursday before Halloween. There has been a lot of controversy over this for years, but it is been this way ever since we have lived here- 20 years. Most suburbs follow the same schedule. Dublin does. So we trick or treated Thursday as well.

The boys both chose to be tough guys this year, albeit 1900 years apart. Lucas was a gladiator and Mac was the Terminator...

Mac never came out of character the whole night! He was very disciplined and serious. Each time he received his candy he would say, "I'll be back." He takes his role seriously.

Lucas also loves to be in character, but he is also a ham for the camera!!!

Our little princesses next door, Carmen and Lindsey.
The tough guys and the princesses.
Janet came over to visit for Beggars's night.
Dad and his guys.
Mom and her protectors.
Some of the neighborhood kids preparing for begging...

Trick or Treat!!!

Some of our favorite neighbors: the Pughs!
Lu's annual candy graph,

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