Friday, March 12, 2010

Chillin' and the Chiller

The Knights of Columbus Annual Skating Party
The Chiller

Greg was out of town (on a golf trip to Florida- so unfair) so the boys and I went. I used to skate all the time as a child. Loved it. We had an outdoor skating rink at the park between my gradeschool and house. It was so much fun. I never had a lesson, but was a pretty good skater- if I do say so myself. Taught myself to do some stunts even.
I thought would be nice for my boys to learn to skate. So Mac had lessons when he was 4 and 5. Now he skates maybe once a year- at the Annual Knights Skate. Do you think he remembers anything from his lessons? Nope. He is my wallhugger. As you will see in the pics. So sad. At least Lu is adventurous and tries.

Joesph and Lu
Mac took this picture of Lu- not great of him I know/ I included it because if you look to the left in the background you will see, ME skating!!
Mac and Lu

The wallhugger

Our friends Joe and Mindy with Madison.

Joe and Madison

ME!!! I know you can't see my face, but there's so few pics of me...

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