Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Griswold Family Christmas Tree: Part Deux!
Well, we did it again. We went back to the same "used to be a tree farm, but now is just a bunch of overgrown trees in someone's front yard" farm that we went to last year! Why? hmmm...
Probably because we like BIG trees, but maybe it's because it was FREE!!! Here we are at the farm in the rain! Greg is sawing it down. It doesn't look so awful does it? It doesn't look so big either, does it?

Here I am trying to cut off som of the limbs. Greg cut off a 2 foot section of the trunk before we even brought it into the house.
Mac helping.
Now, what do you think? Doesn't it completely dwarf our huge armoire? I thought it made it look like dollhouse furniture!!!!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

I think it looks good - better than last year's tree that had scoliousis. :)