Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Indiana Jones Adventure...

Even though his actual birthday isn't until next Wednesday- January 14th- we celebrated Lucas's 7th birthday with 14 little boys ( oh and 1 girl,sorry Lexi). Of course, Lucas insisted we do a theme, he has told me that a birthday any other way is just too boring! What did I create? How much longer will we have to do this? Don't get me wrong, it is fun creating the ideas and super fun watching all the kids, especially LU's, expressions as they "experience" the fun. But... it gets more difficult each year to top the creativity of last year and get it all done while I'm working. Every year though, I am so glad I did it!

This year's theme... can you hear it?... ( I'm singing the theme song for you now...)


and our main character
When the adventurers arrived, they visited Dr. Jones office where they saw many of his notes and maps. Here they found Dr. Jones absent but in his place he left a clue. A few of our adventurers...

The next clue told them to unwrap the mummy...

The next clue sent the adventurers to a cave to find the golden cup, the 5 color jewels, and the silver coins. This cave was frought with snakes, spiders, darkness and even a few skeletons.

Time for friends and presents.
Lu, with a box full of cash, and Lexi
Kevin, Lu, and Keith
Max and Lu
Mitchell and Lu
Seth and Lu
The Brothers and Lu

Jack and Lu

Mom and Lu
The cake.
Lucas's favorite gift was a archaelogical dig for dinosaurs...

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