Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rockin' New's Year Eve

What a rockin' New's Year's Eve we had at our house! Very impromptu!! Greg invited the Brown's over and Kim (our former babysitter and student of Greg's), and then the Roma's came over. We spent the evening eating, talking and jamming with our new Guitar Hero for Wii and the Brown's brought their new Guitar Hero World Tour ( which is basically the same as Rock Band.)
Here is Kim and her newest beautiful baby, Alexia- 5 months, and Greg.

Mac loves babies! Here he is playing with Alexia.

Alexia (Ok- well Kim) teasing Lucas!
Alexia and Kim.

Finally I get her back!!!!!!!!
Mr. Brown, Storm Trooper. Of Course everyone hanging around the food. ( Dennis, Kim, Alexia and Joanie)
The New Year's Rock Band!!!!
Molly and Mac on guitar, Blaine on drums, and Lu on vocals!
Our stars, Molly and Mac jammin' out!!!!
Blaine and Lu give it a try.
Blaine and Mac.
Lu tries out the drums!!

If you can stand it, take a look at the video. It gets better in the middle and is rather humorous. This was their first try.

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